Alaska lawyer incomes rank 32nd in the U.S. with an average lawyer annual compensation of $121,910 in 2018, approximately 2.5 times the average income of all workers in Alaska.

Alaska has 10 federal court houses and 6 state and municipal courts.

Alaska GDP of $54.9 billion in 2018 ranks 48th with a 0.3% share of total U.S. GDP.

Insurance companies in Alaska generated $329 million of revenue in 2017, approximately 0.06% of total U.S. revenue.

Total payments for victims of medical malpractice in Alaska totalled $76 million between 2008 and 2019, ranking it 48th in the nation for medical malpractice payments.

In 2018, 100 lawyers took the bar exam and with 53 passing the exam, a pass rate of 53%.

Alaska is 1 of 24 states that has a cap on non-economic damages